Help children learn - Maryland Oaks Crossing
Summer Enrichment Program (1 child) - $60 or $5 per month
Provide a computer learning station (10 kids) - $420 or $35 per month
Sponsor a field trip (5 children) - $120 or $10 per month
Provide safe housing to families - Maryland Oaks Crossing
Replace a roof - $3,600 or $300 per month
Replace a floor - $2,400 or $200 per month
Replace an AC unit - $3,000 or $250 per month
Help men and women stay out of prison - Re-entry Program
Scholarship a man’s or women's first month - $480 or $40 per month
Sponsor a recreational event (bowling, fishing, etc. - $20 - $100 per person
Buy a monthly bus pass - $38
Help seniors stay connected - Senior Services
Senior supplemental food and hygiene care package - $30 per month
Reading Glasses - $1 per pair
Senior Grocery Program - $138 per client per year
Help reduce food insecurity - Food Program
One bag of groceries (approx. 8 meals) - $9 per bag

Donations by Mail
Donors also may contribute by check. Make yours out to: Good News Outreach and send it to P.O. Box 3304, Tallahassee, Fl. 32315-3304.
Contact Good News Outreach Executive Director Cheval Breggins today to discuss your donation options. chevalb@goodnewsoutreach.org or (850) 692-3301
Please consider these additional options:
Recurring gifts: You can set up monthly/quarterly/annual recurring gifts with credit or debit cards. Recurring gifts are a great way to provide predictable revenue to help GNO sustain our programs.
Annual Giving
Special events: You can sponsor and participate in GNO’s signature event – the annual Prayer Breakfast. Volunteer to organize additional events.
Become a Center of Influence: You have a unique sphere of influence including friends, family colleagues, civic organizations, churches and other contacts. Share the Good News with them. Like us on Facebook. Share posts. Introduce your friends to Good News and let them know tours of the compelling work we do are available.
Grants and matching gifts: You may know of grant sources and company matches through your business, trade or professional organizations. Let us know how to apply for such grants and take advantage of opportunities to get a match for your gift.
Naming opportunities: You have the opportunity to name or sponsor identified areas of GNO’s office and/or facilities. For example, sponsoring one of the Maryland Oaks homes. You can honor a family member or friend through a named gift.
In-kind gifts: You can provide a non-cash gift to GNO. All in-kind gifts are documented on an in-kind gift form and you, the donor, determine their value.
Giving societies: GNO offers multiple strategies of giving and multiple ways to recognize its donors through Giving Societies. Good News will be announcing Giving Societies in the near future.
Planned gifts: Provide a lasting legacy by making a gift to GNO in your estate plan or other deferred giving instrument – e.g. wills, living trusts, insurance, IRA, etc.
Endowments: Donors can establish legacy gifts in perpetuity through endowments (permanently restricted principal) with earnings to support the mission of GNO or aligned specifically within GNO. These gifts require a minimum gift amount in order to be a named endowment, with an option for an initial deposit and time frame for fulfilment.
Pledge giving: Donors can make multi-year commitments of support aligned with their charitable interest at GNO or to the area of greatest need.
Maryland Oaks Crossing is in need of 4 Washers and Dryers either coin based or that can be converted to coin based.