Mercy House
A Second Chance

Mercy House welcomes formerly incarcerated men and women as they begin the journey to become contributing members of society. They face many challenges as they strive to reintegrate into society and overcome the negative impact of prison life.
Applicants are referred to our Re-Entry Program by a correctional institution's Chaplain, Classification Officer, or other agency. They embark on their journey upon release from prison and entrance into our program.
Certain charges disqualify individuals from participating in our program. Those charges include violent crimes and sex offenders. We invite those who have had substance abuse issues in the past but are looking to stay sober and change their futures to apply for entrance.
Throughout the year-long program, Good News Outreach staff and partners are available to lend a hand and support when necessary. Their caring nature, along with generous spiritual and monetary donations from local community member, make it possible for our re-entry men and women to achieve such goals as:
Finding a job
Securing housing
Managing their money and finances
Acquiring a GED or other training for employment
Freedom from substance abuse
Regaining the support and love of family members
Contributing in some way to society
Avoiding situations and activities leading back to prison
Striving to change lives by showing love and compassion is the epitome of outreach sharing the Good News!

Start the application process...
Interested in our Mercy House Re-entry Program?
Fill out application and include a letter stating why you want to come to Mercy House and what are your goals upon release.
Return application to your Classification Officer or email to us at info@goodnewsoutreach.org.
Download application here.
Upon review of your application you will be notified of acceptance.